Week 19: May

Week 19: May 7th thru May 13th

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Names in bold will be found in Players or Dictionary
Bolded Titles in ReferencesBooks (two lists).

5/7 of… 1879

The verdict is in! The coroner’s inquest ruled the shooting self-defense. “Cockeyed Frank” Loving will not be charged.  {001}
Wk. 18, 05/05/1879 – Loving and Richardson


George Francis Hayes (Gabby Hayes) born in Wellsville, NY. Movie & TV actor.  {001}


President Grover Cleveland signed a bill into law authorizing regulations that would finally protect the park, its geysers, and its wildlife. It was the “Act to Protect the Birds and Animals in Yellowstone National Park.”  {003}
Wk. 11, 03/13/1894 – Edgar Howell – poacher


Blue Duck - Week 19Finally, the saga of Cherokee Strip outlaw Blue Duck (Bluford Duck) is complete as he dies of consumption (tuberculosis) and is buried at Catoosa, OK. Photo: U.S. PD, crop  {001}
The Originals Index – Resources and Hazards – DiseaseTuberculosis


Frank James Cooper (Gary Cooper) +2 born in Helena, MT. Movie actor.  {001}


Jeff Milton - Texas Ranger and lawman - Week 19Jeff Davis Milton,{31} age 85, died in Tombstone, AZ. Famous Old West lawman—not too many of ’em died of old age. Eight fights and six assists, but no kills credited to him personally, on Bill O’Neal’s list in his Encyclopedia of Western Gunfighters (1942). Bill’s statistics further state that the average life span of the gunfighters he studied (125), was 47 while the average age for long time survivors was 70. Billy the Kid made it to 21.  Photo: U.S. PD pre-1923.  {001}

5/8 of… 1792

President George Washington signs An Act to Provide for a Copper Coinage.  The Act stipulated that “the director of the mint… be authorized to contract for and purchase a quantity of copper, not exceeding one hundred and fifty tons… to be coined at the mint into cents and half-cents… and be paid into the treasury of the United States, thence to issue into circulation.” This legislation resulted in the birth of the copper cent and some joy in those interested in developing the resources of the new nation. Copper would be part of the mining boom to come in the West.  {001}
Photo Gallery Index – Mining Photos – Mining MineralsCopper


William Walker – born in Nashville, TN: American physician, lawyer, journalist, mercenary and filibuster.  {001}


The first U.S. camera, Alexander Wolcott - Week 19Alexander Simon Wolcott (1887-1844 ) A dentist, working with partner John Johnson (1813-1871) takes out the first U.S. patent for photography, a camera. He also opened  the world’s first commercial daguerreotype gallery (NY, NY). A portrait cost $3.00 (= $81. U.S. in 2021).  Granted, it didn’t take place in the Old West, but it is a very important factor in the history of the West!  {001}
Also noted in Firsts in the Old West – 1840


Earnest Whitworth “E.W.” Marland born in Pittsburg, PA. Pioneer Oklahoma Oilman, governor.  {001}


Captain Ned Wakeman - Week 19The passing of Captain Edgar “Ned” Wakeman in East Oakland, Alameda, CA. Prospector, farmer, vigilante and Ship Captain. First mate and Captain on ships of the Black Ball Line (c. 1838). Mixed up with the San Francisco Vigilantes (1851).* Noted in Mark Twain‘s Roughing It.** This is a very interesting, complex and controversial figure in American history.
Look him up…
see also:
* Wk. 23, 06/10/1851 – Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco
The Originals Index – Commentators QuotesCommerce, Industry, Mining and Transportation
Mark Twain commenting on Captain Ned Wakeman
Wk. 16, 04/21/1910 – Mark Twain
** Wk. 31, 8/1/1861 – Roughing It (1872)


The first sales  of Coca-Cola were made at Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia.  Initially sold for five cents a glass at soda fountains as a patent medicine. Popular in the United States at the time due to the belief that carbonated water was good for the health. Inventor John Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including morphine addiction, indigestion, nerve disorders, headaches, and impotence. Photo: U.S. PD, pre-1923 by unknown – John Pemberton.  {001}


Eadweard James Muybridge - Week 19Kingston upon Thames, England, sees the passing of pioneer photographer Eadweard James Muybridge at 74 years. His first trip to America in 1860 ended with a horrific stagecoach accident which left him with a life changing brain injury. He returned to America in 1868 as a professional photographer and soon earned a reputation as a man with a keen eye. He did portraiture, architectural studies, and the landscapes of Yosemite and other places which made him famous—well before horse motion studies in 1872 for Leland Stanford, made him legendary. Stanford had made a $25,000 bet that a trotting horse had all four feet off the ground at some point. Muybridge developed the photographic techniques to prove it.* He then pioneered motion studies of all sorts, and thereby motion pictures. He was a lecturer and educator and a cuckolded husband who shot dead his wife’s lover in 1874 (big trial), among other things… Look up this amazing, interesting man and his phenakistoscope!  TYH! Photo:  This is a faithful photographic reproduction of an original two-dimensional work of art. Both U.S. PD  {001}
*Wk. 25, 06/19/1878 – Horse in Motion Study


Bill Randolph hanged for the murder of Pinkerton Agent Charles Schumacher who was pursuing him and his partner George Collins for the robbery of the bank in Union, MO.  {001}


Ann Bassett - Week 19Died: “Queen Ann” Bassett, age 77, at her ranch in Utah. “Queen of the Rustlers”, rancher, rustler, one time paramour to Butch CassidyElzy Lay and Ben Kilpatrick. One of only five women ever allowed at “Robbers’s Roost”. Well educated, articulate, intelligent and possessing “classic good looks” (according to the Pinkerton’s). Bassett was also a competent rancher and a real cowgirl in her own right. She and her sister Josie Bassett fought a successful range war, with help from outlaw friends, to protect their ranch from predatory local cattle barons. They were suppliers of horses and beef to the Wild Bunch and no doubt provided a hideout for purloined stock for various rustler friends. Photo: U.S. PD  {001}
05/12/1878 – below
Quotes Index – Women Quotes – sister Josie


Andy “California Clyde, dead at 75.Actor: vaudeville, silent films, talkies, radio and TV. Sidekick to Hopalong Cassidy in 36 films and Whip Wilson in 12.  {001}

5/9 of… 1786

Born in St. Louis, Auguste Pierre Chouteau, son of Jean Pierre Chouteau, bother of Jean Pierre Chouteau Jr. Fur trader, businessman.  {001}


John Brown born in Torrington, CT. Abolitionist.  {001}


Maj Gen William Selby Harney - Week 19Died: Brigadier General William S. Harney, age 88, in Orlando, FL. He fought in The Blackhawk War (east), The Mexican-American War, The Indian Wars and The Civil War. Court-martialed four times and a notoriously brutal soldier, he was nevertheless a spokesman for fair treatment of the Indians. He served on the Indian Peace Commission (1867-68) and urged the government to honor past treaties. After he died the Lakota changed his name from “Woman Killer” to “Man-Who-Always-Kept-His-Word“. Today (2016), there is a struggle in South Dakota which seeks to rename Harney Peak to something more politically acceptable to the Indians and others. Photo: U.S. PD pre-1889, unknown photographer.  {001}
See also:
Wk. 29, 07/20/1867 – Indian Peace Commission


Wharton, OK (today – Perry). The Dalton Gang takes a few hundred dollars from a Santa Fe train. With a posse in hot pursuit they steal fresh horses and escape.  {001}


“Zip” Wyatt and others held up a Santa Fe RR train at Whorton (Perry), OK. Zip observed the station agent attempting to telegraph for help and shot him dead.  {001}


John ForrestFuzzyKnight born in Fairmont, WV. Movie and TV actor.  {001}


Born in Tulsa, OK, Joy Harjo a member of the Muscogee/Creek Nation. U. S. Poet Laureate (2019). A Muscogee (Creek) citizen, she is the first Native American to hold this title and the second person to serve three terms. An award-winning poet, writer, performer, and musician, author of eight books of poetry, including the American Book Award-winning In Mad Love and War (1990). She has also written a memoir and literature for children and young adults. She has taught at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of Tennessee. Photo: U.S. PD, promo pic.  {001}
see also:
Wk. 25, 06/19/2019 – Joy Harjo

5/10 of… 1841

The Bidwell-Bartleson party leaves Westport, MO bound for the Oregon Territory some 1,200+ miles away. Guided by notable mountain man Thomas Fitzpatrick, this large early wagon train included missionaries intending to save souls in the territory, trappers who would leave the party along the way to pursue the now dying fur trade, the pioneers seeking new opportunities and the teamsters and stock handlers who would see them through the journey. Father Pierre-Jean DeSmet (Black Robe) was making his third overland journey to the territory.  {001}
Wk. 21, 05/23/1873 – DeSmet


 Transcontinental RR - Week 19Promontory Summit, UT. Two gold, one silver, and one forged of gold, silver and iron (plus one common iron spike wired to the telegraph) join the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railroads, completing the Transcontinental Railroad. Now its $69 and seven days to California… Photo: U.S. PD 1869 LOC Central Pacific RR (left), Union Pacific RR (right).  {001}
see also:
Wk. 18, 5/1/1839 – Thomas J. Farnham
Wk. 26, 07/01/1862 – The Pacific Railway Act
Photo Gallery Index – Transportation Photos – Railroads in the West


Controversial then and now, The General Mining Act, signed by President Ulysses S. Grant, consolidated earlier mining law, legalized existing claims into private ownership, set rules for claims and generally opened public lands to private exploitation. {001}


Modoc War: Battle of Dry Lake (Soreass Lake), Lava Beds, CA. Troops under Col. Jefferson C. Davis rout attacking Indians and kill Ellen’s Man George, an important leader. This is the last hurrah for the Modoc and by the end of June, Captain Jack will surrender to Col. Davis.  {001}
PLAYERS – Timelines – Timelines A-L – Indian Wars Timeline Modoc War


Five road agents take the Wells Fargo passenger and mail stage traveling between Canyon Diablo and Flagstaff, AZ. They got away with two mailbags containing $125,000 in gold, silver and coins.When the robbery was reported in Flagstaff, authorities quickly dispatched a cavalry detachment to pursue the miscreants. A chase and a shoot-out ensued and all of the outlaws were killed. The thing is, they didn’t have the loot and numerous searches over the years didn’t turn it up.
32 years later (1913), Black’s Saloon in Flagstaff… The regulars were interrupted in their libations by a thoroughly excited Jimmy McGuire, who went straight to the bar and ordered a drink. Three more quickly followed. Then, Jimmy pulled some gold coins from his pocket to pay up. The coins were immediately recognized as coming from the 1881 stage robbery. The crowd quickly came to its feet and gathered around asking about the treasure. As Jimmy began to tell his tale he suddenly started gasping and holding his chest. He was soon dead on the floor of a heart attack. The location of the treasure died with him.  {001}
This article also appears in: Lost Treasures in the Old West – Wells Fargo Stage Robbery – AZ  (05/10/1881


Mysterious Dave Mather - Week 19Dodge City, KS. Josiah Mather (Mysterious Dave’s brother) shoots and kills DavidDave’ Barnes at the Junction  Saloon after a card game with ‘Mysterious Dave’ {23}. Three others are wounded, (including Dave). Quick action by Sheriff Sughrue prevents more shootings. (Dave’s gun was unfired.) Both Mathers are arrested and $3,000 bail posted; they jump bail and vanish. Mysterious Dave will ride away from one more gunfight at Ashland, KS, do a short stint as city marshal of New Kiowa, KS, and vanish from Western History as he rides through Long Pine, NE, in 1886. Photo: U.S. PD – Dave c. 1880.  {001}


Doolin Gang leaders Bill Dalton and Bill Doolin withdraw $4,000 from the Bank at Southwest City, MO, wounding several townspeople and killing one in the process. (other gang members?)  {001}
The Originals Index – Outlaw Gangs Index – Doolin Gang – Wild Bunch


Convicted in Green River, WY: life in prison awaits Bill Carlisle, said to be the last of the cowboy train robbers.  {001}


Commodore Perry Owens - Week 19PVW: Commodore Perry Owens, age 66, died in Seligman, AZ, and was buried in the Citizen’s Cemetery at Flagstaff, AZ. Photo: U.S. PD pre-1919  {001}
Quotes Index – Robbers and Poets QuotesOwens poem


Clarence E. Mulford died in Portland, MA, at the age of 56. Western author (28 Novels) converted into all the media of the times: comics, movies, radio and television. His books include: Bar 20 (1906) {Radio], Hopalong Cassidy (1910) [comics, movies and TV], Bring Me His Ears (1922), Mesquite Jenkins (1928) and Hopalong Cassidy Serves a Writ (1941).  {001}

5/11 of… 1792

Captain Robert Gray - Week 19Boston based Merchant Captain/Explorer Robert Gray sailed into the estuary of a large river which he would name for his ship, the “Columbia Rediviva”. They traveled about 13 mi (21 km) upriver, trading over a nine-day period with the natives; items such as nails for pelts, salmon, and animal meat. The farthest point Gray explored upriver is now known as Grays Bay, and the river that flows into it Grays River. Ship Columbia - Week 19These names were not given by Gray, but by William Broughton, George Vancouver’s lieutenant, who explored the Columbia River in October 1792. Captain Gray had made a chart and a copy had been acquired by Vancouver. Gray’s success in entering the river would eventually form part of the basis for U.S. territorial claims to the Oregon Territory.* Illustrations: Capt. Gray – U.S. PD unknown; Gray’s ship in the Columbia Estuary, from Oregon: Her History, Her Great Men, Her Literature – 1919, John B. Horner.  {001}
Wk. 33, 08/14/1846 – Oregon Treaty of 1846
The Originals – Expeditions The Fur Trade


Born somewhere along the Mississippi River, Grant Prince Marsh, is destined to spent his long life on the rivers of the West.  {001}


The St. Joseph Gazette (MO) reports that Fort Leavenworth, KS, has lost twenty-five people in a single day to cholera. The epidemic would take many pilgrims on the Oregon Trail.  {001}


The “California State Rangers are created by legislation signed by Governor (1852-56) John Bigler . They are to be led former Texas Ranger Captain Harry Love. Their first task will be to do something about the “Five Joaquins“. {001}


The State of Minnesota is created from the eastern half of the Minnesota Territory. “The North Star State” or “Land of 1,000 Lakes” is the name taken from a Dakota Sioux word meaning “sky-tinted water”.  {001}


The Mussel Slough Tragedy. Seven dead after Hanford, CA, settlers shoot it out with the Southern Pacific Railroad in a land value dispute. Settler and railroad sympathizer Walter J. Crow did most of the shooting (shotgun) but was himself killed by an unknown assailant as he attempted to flee… An event far too complex to be dealt with in the OWDR, but the whole convoluted tale renders an insightful look at 19th century corporate relations, money, politics, the power of the press/literature, etc… and the OWDR’s central questions about where and how our perceptions of these events come about. Look it up! Three more dead than at the Gunfight at the OK Corral* and involving far weightier issues, yet almost totally forgotten. There were no “icons” involved here, and the “bad guy” won. Author Frank Norris tells the tale in the fictional’ novel, The Octopus: A California Story (1901).  {001}
See also:
Wk. 43, 10/26/1881 – OK Corral
PLAYERS – Timelines Index – Timelines A-L Index
Chris Evans Gang Timeline


Isaiah Mays - MOH - Week 19

Isaiah Mays – MOH
Photo: U.S. PD

Wham Paymaster robbery: U.S. Army paymaster, Major Joseph W. Wham with an escort of eleven Buffalo Soldiers was transporting a payroll consisting gold and silver coins, valued at more than US $28,000 (2022 equivalent about $912,000), from Fort Grant to Fort Thomas. They were ambushed by bandits and a firefight ensued. Eight of the soldiers were wounded forcing them to retreat to cover. The robbers gained possession of the strongbox, cracked it with an ax, and carried off the payroll (est. 250 lbs.) As a result of bravery under fire, Sergeant Benjamin Brown (24th Infantry) and Corporal Isaiah Mays (10th Cavalry), were awarded the Medal of Honor, eight other soldiers received a Certificate of Merit.
Eleven men, most from the nearby Mormon community of Pima, were arrested. Eight were charged with robbery and went to trial. All of the accused were found not guilty. The stolen money was never recovered. A very convoluted tale, look it up!  {001}


Yellowstone National Park: Camp Sheridan, established in 1886 to protect the park, was renamed Fort Yellowstone. The army continued to use Fort Yellowstone until they turned over control of the park and the fort to the newly formed National Park Service in October 1918.  {001}
see also:
The Originals – Western Forts and Tradings Posts


President William H. Taft officially established a 1,583 square mile wilderness area of Montana, Glacier National Park. The park’s mountains are close to 170 million years older than the naming of Glacier, bearing rock that hold some of the most well-preserved fossils of early-life found on Earth. Early European explorers had noted that the area was first inhabited by Native Americans; dominated by the Blackfeet in the east and the Flathead in the western regions. Under pressure, the Blackfeet ceded the mountainous parts of their treaty lands in  to the federal government (1895). Today’s wildlife include many large mammals; Elk, moose, bighorn sheep, grizzly bears, and mountain goats.  The name Glacier denotes the 150 glaciers present at the time of its designation at the end of the twentieth century’s first decade. Just 25 remain today.  Due to climate change it is expected that all glaciers in the park may be gone by 2030.  {003}

5/12 of… 1846

The Donner-Reed Party departs Independence, MO, for California.  {001}


William Clayton, a Mormon pioneer migrating from Missouri to Utah, had been trying to track the distance traveled by counting every turn of a wagon wheel: 360 rotations per mile. Dull work and subject to distraction. He wrote, “I walked some this afternoon in company with Orson Pratt and suggested to him the idea of fixing a set of wooden cog wheels to the hub of a wagon wheel, in such order as to tell the exact number of miles we travel each day. He seemed to agree with me that it could be easily done at a trifling expense.” The carpenter Appleton Harmon built the “roadometer” device per Clayton’s design on this date.  We call it an odometer. Clayton’s accounts of his travels published in 1848 aided the Gold Rush “forty-niners” the next year.  {003}


The Battle of Little Robe Creek. Dawn, in the Comancheria,* Indian Territory, OK; Texas Ranger Captain John “Rip” Ford‘s command attacked and burned a small Comanche village surrounded by the Antelope Hills in the Canadian River Valley. A second larger village was attacked later in the day and until Chief Iron Jacket was killed, put up a good fight. This village too, was burned.
Peta Nocona, the Chief’s son, arrived with reinforcements and initiated yet a third battle between the the Comanche and Ford’s Texans; after which, the Rangers and their allies retreated back to Texas. The force reported 76 Comanche killed, 16 prisoners and 300 horses taken; suffering only four Ranger casualties and more than a dozen dead among their Tonkawa allies. Although there is no mention in Ford’s official reports on the battle; that night, according to their custom, in a “dreadful feast”, the Tonkawa (known cannibals), roasted and ate a number of their dead Comanche rivals. The Rangers were disbanded and the campaign was pressed no further, due to economics.  {001}
Quotes Index – Indian QuotesTexas Governor Hardin R. Runnels)
References – DictionaryComancheria
References – Dictionary Wendigo


LCW: Drunken Charlie Bowdre and Frank Freeman shoot out windows in Alexander McSween’s store in a vain attempt to confront cattle baron John Chisum over an imagined insult. Then they went to a nearby café where Freeman shot an army sergeant in the head. When Sheriff Brady and a quickly formed posse confronted them, Brady pistol-whipped Freeman, only to be knocked down by Freeman’s fists. As Freeman was subdued and arrested by the posse members, Bowdre was held at gunpoint by John Riley. Freeman later escaped custody on the way to Ft. Stanton. Lincoln, NM.  {001}


Ann “Queen Ann” Bassett born close to Brown’s Park, CO. Rancher, rustler, outlaw.  {001}
05/08/1956 – above


United States ex rel. Standing Bear v. Crook. Judge Elmer S. Dundy ruled that, “an Indian is a person” within the meaning of habeas corpus. Be sure to explore this convoluted, interesting and important issue beyond The Reader. It still has consequences today.  {001}
Wk. 18, 05/02/1879 – Standing Bear v. Crook
Quotes Index –  Indian QuotesStanding Bear & Gen. Crook


Billy the Kid” Leroy and brother Jim attempt to rob a stage east of Del Norte, CO. They barely escape an angry posse.  {001}


Cowboy Bill York shot soiled dove MabelMollie’ Gorman at her house in Dodge City, KS. York was arrested, Gorman recovered.  {001}


It took an El Paso, TX jury less than fifteen minutes to rule in favor of five foot, 100 pound, Madame Etta Clark’s plea of “Self Defense” in the “Public Arch Shooting” of six foot, 200 pound Madame Alice Abbot.  {001}
Wk. 16, 04/18/1886 – The Public Arch Shooting 


Happy Birthday! Having recommend that one full regiment be equipped with bicycles (1892). 24 year old, recent West Point graduate (the class goat*), Lieutenant James A. Moss receives permission to form the 25th Infantry Bicycle Corps at Fort Missoula, Mt. “Training” round trips of 130 miles to Lake McDonald and 500 miles to Yellowstone National Park brought the men up to speed for the upcoming 1,900 mile ride in June.  (001)
* References – Dictionaryclass goat
Wk. 24, 06/14/1897 – 25th Infantry Bicycle Corps
Wk. 30, 07/24/1897 – 25th Infantry Bicycle Corps arrives St. Louis, MO
Photo Gallery Index – Military Photos25th Infantry Bicycle Corps
Photo Gallery Index – Pushin’ Up DasiesCol. James A. Moss


Addison Byron Owen Randall, aka Jack Randall, Allen Byron, Byron Vance, born in San Fernando, CA. Movie star.  {001}


Max Brand Shakespeare of the Western Range” (Fredrick Schiller Faust) age 51, killed serving in Italy as a war correspondent. A writer since college, Brand appeared under numerous pen names during the 1920’s in Street and Smith‘s, pulp, and Western Story Magazine. Success led to better markets (slicks) and he later became a screen writer for Warner Brothers Studios and MGM. One of the most prolific writers in the entire world, he wrote at least 500 novels (300 Westerns) and nearly as many short stories and numerous screen plays. His works are still being published today: “Destry Rides Again (1937?). Larry Traynor, the principal character in Black Thunder (1920’s?), no doubt reflects Brand’s own experience with heart problems in 1921. This man’s immense written legacy is still an influence on our perception of the old west.  {001}


Spokane, WA mourns the passing of Willis Ray Willey, a robust mountain man who wore only a pair of shorts summer and winter (from 1918 – to 1956) and always traveled with several animals. “Ambassador of Good Will” in and about Spokane, WA for nearly 50 years. The “Original Flower Child” and an “Early-Day Hippie“. An interesting story, look up this unique individual and TYH!  Photo: U.S. PD?  {001}

5/13 of… 1804

The first overland expedition across the continent set out from St. Louis, under the leadership of Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark. The Lewis & Clark Expedition was ordered by President Thomas Jefferson in order to get a sense of the new land acquired from France via the Louisiana Purchase. The exploration would take Lewis and Clark and about forty others up the Missouri River, through the Dakotas and Montana, over the Continental Divide, and finally to the mouth of the Columbia River. Per President Jefferson’s request, Lewis and Clark kept detailed journals in which they documented their adventures, and including the plants and animals they encountered on their way. They recorded 178 plants and 122 animals–now, many of those populations are sharply reduced and at risk of extinction.  {003}


Arthur William Savage born in Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Firearms designer, inventor.  {001}


George B. Erath - Texas Pioneer - Week 19George B. Erath, died in Waco, TX at 78 years. He served in both the Texas House of Representatives and Texas Senate. He was a Texas pioneer and soldier who fought in the Texas Revolution, subsequently supporting the Republic ‘s annexation to the United States.  {001}


Buck Taylor - Week 19Walter Clarence “Buck” Taylor III born in Hollywood, CA [son of Actor/Sidekick “Dub” Taylor (Wk. 40, 10/03/1994)]. Movie actor, TV actor, western painter. His numerous TV appearances include Have Gun Will Travel, The Legend of Jesse James, The Virginian, etc.  He was Deputy Sheriff Newley O’Brien in 113 episodes of TV’s Gunsmoke and played Turkey Creek Jack Johnson in Tombstone (1993). He played in The Alamo (2004) and others. Awards and honors, too many to list ’em all: Golden Boot Award (1993), Cowboy Spirit Award (1998), Western Heritage Award (2006). His painting are in galleries and private collections throughout the country. Photo: Vanessa Lua via Wikipedia  {001}


Gary Cooper (1926) - Week 19Gary Cooper +2 (Frank James Cooper) age 61, dies in Los Angles, CA. Movie actor: The Plainsman (1936), High Noon (1953). Numerous others. Photo: U.S. PD Studio promo.  {001}


Dan Blocker, (B. Dan D. Blocker), age 43, died in Los Angeles, CA.  Well known for his role as Eric “Hoss” Cartwright in the NBC TV series ‘Bonanza’.  {001}

barbed wire divider2 - Week 30: July 23rd thru 29thEnd: Week 19, May 7th thru 13th.
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{001} C-61-05/24; E 02/24; F 01/16; P 05/24
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