Old West Daily Reader

"Had I not just come out over the route, I would be perfectly willing to go back, but I now know what Hell is like. I've just had 24 days of it."
Waterman Ormsby, New York Herald reporter
After 2,812-miles (4,525 km) on the first East to West [to San Francisco] run of The Butterfield Overland Mail coach. (09/16/1857 to 10/08/1857)
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R.W. "Doc" Boyle - Old West Daily Reader“Trailhead to the Old West!”™
A calendar-based way of finding Western History and the Great American Wild West. Historical hors d’ oeuvres; a primer, intended to be simply enjoyed, or to psyche you up to go out and find more of this complex and wonderful story on your own. Enjoy the feast!! – Doc

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what happened each day of the year in the Old West!

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FREE – History Riders Radio © – FREE
Sorry Riders! NO MORE Podcasts!
Most of 2020 is still available.
52 approximately six minute Podcasts, one for each week of the year.
At least one event from the Old West for each day of the year!

Native American Tribes
This is a large, uncompleted, complicated, ever-growing section!
Always seeking more information from tribal members.

Young Guns
  History Riders™ kid cowboy photos.
Send in yours! Instructions are on the page.
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Links to Friends
The Builders of OWDR, Contributors and Friends.

Weapons Photos Location Index
Western Firearms, ammunition and accessories finder (350 items).
What’s pictured and discussed in Old West Daily Reader.
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Old West Daily Reader
“Trailhead to the Old West!”™

Here it is folks, a high quality site with the story of the Wild West, 3,000+ pages of the information you want, and NO ADVERTISING! Your everyday companion for a succinct insight into Western History. Friend of every cowgirl or cowboy, real or wanna-be. A valuable and useful primer of Old West research for any purpose: students, teachers, re-enactors, writers, speakers, hobbyists, historians and more. Start your trail into Western History with Old West Daily Reader. One of the most interesting and educational Western sites on the web!

Old West Daily Reader has been on the internet since 2011

Resources and Features: – Benefits of an annual subscription

WEEKS: A daily dose of what happened in the Historic West on that date.  Fifty-two weeks, 366 days, 2,000+ entries outlining the PLAYERS, the people, places and events that helped create the “Truth” and the mythos of the Old West. (see Navigation Panel – page right)
PLAYERS:  An alphabetic listing of every person, place or event (5,000+) noted in WEEKS, cross-referenced in such a way that it’s easy to turn up related facts and stories. (see Navigation Panel – page right)

Content Tour
The links (Red) below will give a quick look
at some of the content available with a subscription.
Use any link to return to this page.

Site Guide: 11 Sections of information on how to use OWDR. (Use Navigation Panel – page right. >)
Timelines (A-L) & (M-Z), for 79 major players, 9 subs (more to come)
Quotes Index: 12 sections, 1 sub, featuring comments from some of The Players and many others.
The Originals Index: 16 Sections, 25 subs, of things Western: Battlefields & Massacres, Entertainment in the Old West (4 sub-sections), Expeditions, Gunfighter Statistics (& occupations), Indian Tribes, Outlaw Gangs Index (85+), Range Wars & Feuds, Resources & Hazards (10 subs), Trade in the Old West (2 subs), Trails, Rodeos – Wild West Shows & Theater, Western Forts and Trading Posts.
The Pretenders Index: 4 sections – The Western Movies, TV and Radio Shows that help us remember and keep it alive. (see also: Young Guns in the FREE FEATURES, noted above.)
Photo Gallery Index: 23 Sections, 26 subs, of Old West Photos: mine, yours and those found in the Public Domain. A large selection of fine antique Western firearms, ammunition and accessories from research and Reader Contributors! (350 items).
History Riders Radio: A Podcast for each Week of the year featuring an event for each day from Western History. (discontinued)
Just for Fun Pages: 29 Sections. Some pages available only here and some pages from around Old West Daily Reader. There’s plenty of material where one can dig for facts. This collection of pages is part of the attempt to use those pages and facts to facilitate a bit of a different mind set. Maybe a view from a different peak? This little line shack size library is just an easy relaxin’ way to view some of the incredible, amazing History of the American Old West and do just that.
References   8 sections, 2 subs, to add to and help you go beyond the information available in OWDR if you wish to do so.
The Dictionary is turning out to be some combination of Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Western Handbook. I get caught up readin’ it now and then myself! – Doc

Ongoing additions to all of the above, including contributions from subscribers,
which are reviewed and added to OWDR, with recognition.

 There is NO Advertising on Old West Daily Reader!

Parents Take Notice! Old West Daily Reader is not edited for young children. The Old West is described as it was; rough and raw around the edges. Please read Old West Daily Reader‘s short  Primer for Parents.

Museums, Historical Societies & Schools: single Gratis subscriptions to Old West Daily Reader are available. Multiple Subscription Packages for “Thank You” and volunteer incentive packages are offed at significantly reduced rates. see: Subscription Package Offers
Questions? – Please use our Contact Form.

Please Note:
Old West Daily Reader, “Trailhead to the West“™
History Riders“, “History Riders Radio
History Miners and Firsts in the Old West
are copyrighted and/or trademarks.

Why isn’t Old West Daily Reader Free like other Western sites?
(see: FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions)

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If you might to want exchange links with OWDR, let’s powwow.
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Contact Old West Daily Reader – Doc

 Thanks for Ridin’ By!

Time for a change!

Does your museum, magazine, organization, club or you as an individual
want to own Old West Daily Reader?

Truth is, this site needs new, younger blood.
I’m now 83 years old and runnin’ out of time.

I’d rather this effort not die with me.
If you want to talk about giving OWDR a new home,
drop me an email and let’s talk about it.
Contact Old West Daily Reader.

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