Use Cmd/Ctrl+F to search FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions
Working links are Red, other references, use Navigation Panel choices.
Names in bold will be found in Players or Dictionary
Bolded Titles in References– Books (two lists).
FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions
History Riders and Friends – Here, you will find the short and quick answers
to some of the FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions about using Old West Daily Reader.
Not everything will be answered. If you don’t find what you need, look in: OWDR Site Guide.
If nothing else works write me on the Contact form. – Doc
P.S. – Please remember, the “staff” here, is me, Doc, there ain’t nobody else.
Sometimes things move a tad slow…
NO AI is used on OWDR! Our mistakes are made by real humans!
Quick Start Guide
Fast and Easy! How to get around on Old West Daily Reader.
Subscription and Account Questions
Navigation Questions
Why isn’t Old West Daily Reader free like other western sites?
For further information about these subjects on Old West Daily Reader
Subscription and Account Questions
I subscribed, but I don’t want the Subscription. Can I get my money back?
Yes, you have a two week “money back” free trial. Just cancel the payment in your PayPal account.
Can I cancel my recurring annual subscription to Old West Daily Reader?
Yes, just stop the recurring annual subscription renewal in your PayPal account.
Can I change my User Name?
No, our membership app won’t allow it.
Can I change my Password?
Yes. On the Navigation Panel, hover over My Profile and click on the Fly-out.
How do I update my Account Information?
On the Navigation Panel, hover over My Profile and click on the Fly-out.
How do I give a Gift Subscription?
PayPal can’t do it through the website, so you need to email me ( to start communication, then you can send the money ($20 U.S. per year) to me (Doc) personally, via PayPal, check, money order, etc.
I will need:
1. a User Name for the account (may not be changed).
2. a Password for the account (this can be changed later).
3. a valid email address. This is a system requirement (it checks ’em).
A welcoming email is sent at the same time the email subscription notification goes to the recipient. Any other notification needs to come from you.
Do subscribers get one of the new “OWDR Lucky coins?
All paid subscribers get a coin.
The catch is you need to tell me how to get the coin to you.
See the details here.
s with no sign-up for a subscription.
I leave ’em for a month or so, then I delete ’em.
Working links in Old West Daily Reader are Red
What is the Navigation Panel?
On the right-hand side of every page on Old West Daily Reader, you will find the list of links to available subjects/pages.
NOTE: Most of these choices have a fly-out with further choices, some fly-outs will have another fly-out, etc.
What are the WEEKS?
Old West Daily Reader is date oriented. Starting with WEEK 01, January 01; these are the events that occurred on each day (in the historic year noted) throughout the year. There are currently somewhere around 3,000 entries with information on more than 6,000 (+ or-) “PLAYERS“. You will also find numerous cross-references to related items on Old West Daily Reader (not necessarily to be found in the WEEKS.) Working links are Red.
WEEKS – on the right hand Navigation Panel on every page.
Searches – below
How do I find out what WEEK, a given day is in?
Hovering over WEEKS on the Navigation Panel on the right side of every page, gives a fly-out. The top selection on the Fly-Out is “Days in the Weeks“, clicking there will provide a chart. Find the desired day and click on the associated WEEK‘s link.
What are PLAYERS?
PLAYERS are the People, Places and Events that appear in the articles in the WEEKS and throughout Old West Daily Reader. Currently, more than 5,000 are listed. Names in bold, in WEEKS articles, will be found in PLAYERS; bolded Titles are in References. PLAYERS usually cross-references the WEEKS, but some listings may apply to other OWDR sections.
Note: The links in PLAYERS are in numerical order by the WEEKS number (the link), only if a PLAYER has a Timeline (TL), is there a list of their links in date order.
PLAYERS – on the right hand Navigation Panel on every page. Timelines are on the fly-out.
Searches – below
What are Timelines?
A Timeline lists all of the events noted in Old West Daily Reader pertaining to a specific PLAYER in chronological order; and may offer other related information in The Reader, about that PLAYER. Currently, there are over 80 Timelines. If a PLAYER has a Timeline,”(TL)” appears in the PLAYERS alphabetical listing.
PLAYERS – on the Navigation Panel, Timelines Master Index is on the fly-out.
Why is the entire chain of links to a reference/page always shown, why not just the link needed?
Old West Daily Reader is a convoluted critter. It is very easy to stumble onto a piece of information and then not be able to locate it again.
The complete link chain is always given as a navigation aid to: learning/finding/knowing where you are/where things are, on Old West Daily Reader.
History Riders, it’s a sound idea to suspend judgement and keep things in perspective as we gather the information to come to an understanding of these different, intersecting, past worlds that draw our interest…
As always in Old West Daily Reader, language and attitudes expressed in these incidents and references often reflect the mind set of those who lived in the times. Sometimes difficult for us to hear and contemplate from within our modern perspective, yet a vital part of our quest to understand those old times and the changes in the world that led from then to now, from them to us. – Doc.
Thoughts on the Historical use of the “N” Word – A touchy but important issue.
Please keep an open mind and read this article.
*How soon will my email to Old West Daily Reader be answered?
It varies, usually a few days at most. One person, me, operates the entire site. I’m usually on the internet and email most days. Please be patient. – Doc
Where can I find complete information about using Old West Daily Reader?
Make your first choice the Quick Start Guide, this will likely do it for most folks.
A more complete explanation is: on the Navigation Panel (right side of every page), select: OWDR Site Guide.
Is there more information on Old West Daily Reader in addition to the WEEKS?
Yes, there are hundreds of pages and sub-pages in addition to the WEEKS. Those are the pages found on the Navigation Panel below WEEKS and PLAYERS. Many of those page listings will have a fly-out with additional listings. (Hover over a listing to discover if it has a fly-out.)
What are the numbers that usually appear at the end of articles on Old West Daily Reader?
Ex. {001}, {003 & 001}
Those are Contributor ID numbers; they tell you who researched and wrote the article. More than one number means a collaboration, a conspiracy or some night out at the saloon.
References – Contributors
Links to Friends
Hang onto your topknot, watch your backtrail…
We take NO responsibility for anything on other sites you may visit.
There are a number of ways to find things on Old West Daily Reader:
Check in PLAYERS first! If a Player is bolded in the WEEKS, it appears alphabetically in PLAYERS and with it are the links (red numbers) to every WEEK where there is an article in which that PLAYER appears (not in date order!). * If your term is there, click a WEEK and then use the Page Search (below) to find your term. If your term is not listed, try Main Search (below).
* Only Timelines have date order. On the Navigation panel, Timelines Master Index
Main Search – The Main Search box is at the bottom of the Navigation Panel. Enter your term and it will present each occurrence of the term on the entire site and a date or other context to help find it. (This search is poor/broke, and I haven’t been able to afford to fix it. Sorry! – Doc)
Page Search – You can do search for your term to find all instances of that term on any page. Use (control + F). Enter your term and it will tell you how many times it occurs on the page and highlight each one.
* Numbers and letters explanation – below
Site Index – A useful list of every main and sub-page on the site in one list. It may help find the general subject category you need.
OWDR Site Guide – Site Index
Weapons Photos Location Index – Tells you where to look in the Weapons section
for the photo of specific firearm on Old West Daily Reader. (Not always up-to-date)
Photo Gallery Index – Weapons Photos – Weapons Photos Location Index
Why is the entire chain of links to a reference/page always shown, why not just the link needed?
Old West Daily Reader is a convoluted critter. It is very easy to stumble onto a piece of information and then not be able to locate it again.
The complete link chain is always given as a navigation aid to learning/finding/know where you are/where things are, on Old West Daily Reader.
What are the numbers and letters at the bottom of every page?
{001} 00-00@00/00; C 09/17; E 09/17; F 09/17; P 09/17
Editor info:
{The Contributor (s) # of the page editor (s)} usually only Doc {001}.
-00- Keeps track of the number of entries/main headers on a page.
-00- The second number, if it’s there, the number of photos on the page.
The dates give the month and year that something on the page was last updated.
C is adding Content – E is an edit of the page for errors, spelling etc.
an additional lowercase “e” denotes a full page edit on that date.
An + after the “e” indicates that the page has been updated for PLAYERS listings
and its links have been confirmed and updated, including some site-wide updates as well.
F is page formatting. – P is for photos, captions, SEO, etc.
I suspect that they are only moderately accurate.
You want to remember who is usually keeping those records.
Example – bottom left on this page.
Why isn’t Old West Daily Reader free like other western sites?
I’m not completely sure, but I think this is the largest, most complete, single point, Western History site on the World Wide Web/Internet. There is NO ADVERTISING on Old West Daily Reader! If you want to be distracted by all that junk and noise, this ain’t the camp for you… Seems to me that folks value something considerable better, if they give something for it. If you like it or need it, it’s worth the small investment in the resource. Then too, as you may know, if you follow the various issues about the web, there is an ongoing discussion about who pays for what. More often than not, it’s becoming you, the user, paying for only the content you use. That’s the game here. There is no advertising contaminating this site and I’d like to keep it that way. Problem is, this very large, high quality, immensely complicated site costs well over $1,000 a year, just for maintenance and security. That equates to fifty new subscribers per year, every year. This wonder has not yet occurred, but I think it may in time.
This Dog and Pony Show is a one man deal. I personally maintain the site, research and write most of the information and produce History Riders Radio™ with no compensation. At my age it’s a full-time job. If the site doesn’t make that $1,000+ a year, I pay the difference. There is also, the over $20,000 it cost to build it in the first place and the thousands of hours spent writing, editing and building the thousands of pages of content. Seeing as how I live on Social Security, things can get a bit tight. Sometimes I need to feed the site first.
So there it is folks, it ain’t free until I win the lottery, some gracious history lover/benefactor puts up some big bucks to help, or the site moves to that new situation I described about above… Just like Jimmy Wales at Wikipedia, this operation is chronically shot of money. He says only about 3% of users donate and even then, not too much. I’d take it!
Doc (updated: 04/05/2023)
Pull yer freight! Help keep Old West Daily Reader AD-FREE!
Donations gleefully, gratefully and gracefully accepted!
For a site of this age and size, why does Old West Daily Reader have so few Facebook “Likes”?
The site lost 1,500+ “Likes” when it upgraded to to HTTPS in late 2016. As you probably know,
this upgrade was partly for better site security and access. Facebook won’t help/bother with the issue.
Doc hasn’t taken the time to have a campaign to ask folks to replace them on the “new” OWDR site
Help recover, please give us a “Like” NOW!
Time for a change!
Does your museum, magazine, organization, club or you as an individual
want to own Old West Daily Reader?
Truth is, this site needs new, younger blood.
I’m now 81 years old and runnin’ out of time.
I’d rather this effort not die with me.
If you want to talk about giving OWDR a new home,
drop me an email and let’s talk about it.
Contact Old West Daily Reader.
for further information related to:
FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions on Old West Daily Reader
See also:
OWDR Site Guide
Old West Daily Reader – (Home Page) Resources and Features List
Please Note:
Old West Daily Reader, “Trailhead to the West“™
“History Riders“, “History Riders Radio”
History Miners and Firsts in the Old West
are copyrighted and/or trademarks.
If you have additional or new information/questions or comments,
use: Contact Old West Daily Reader. – Doc
End: FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions
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{001} 06-1- @11/24; C 03/25; Ee+ 03/25; F 04/23; P 04/17