Old West Daily Reader Lucky Coin

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OWDR Lucky Coin - obverse - OWDR Lucky Coin

OWDR Lucky Coin

OWDR Lucky Coin - reverse - Old West Daily Reader Lucky Coin

OWDR Lucky Coin

Old West Daily Reader Lucky Coin

How to get one.

About The coin.

 Actual size is 1.5 inches.

How to get one.

(or more)

– Existing paid subscribers –
prior to 11/01/2023

You get a free one!
Send me an email…
With Your Name and Mailing Address.
Include your User name, please.


– NEW paid subscribers –
After 11/01/2023
$20 (U.S.) annual subscription
(Recurring, unless you say no.)

You get a free one!
Send me an email…
With Your Name and Mailing Address.
Include your User name, please.
Coin ships a week or so after your 14 day refund period expires.


– Subscribers –

Want more coins? Eight ($8.00) each, limit Five (5).
Send me a Snail Mail (& a check)
With Your Name and Mailing Address.
Include your User name, please.


– Guests –

Ten ($ 10.00 (U.S.) each (shipping included), limit Five (5).
Send me a Snail Mail (& a check)
With Your Name and Mailing Address.
Use the mailing address below


– How to pay for your coins –

As you know, OWDR doesn’t record your address, and…
OWDR doesn’t have a shopping cart, so…

Send your personal check
made to: Robert W. Boyle
and your mailing address to:

Old West Daily Reader
44 Kirkland Road
Silver City, NM 88061

(Please include your Username if you have one.)

You will not get on any kind of list! I don’t have the interest or the time to make one up.

Everybody! No results in a month, email me again..!

Please remember: I’m Head Word Wrangler, Trail Boss, cook, dishwasher and gopher.
Complicated by bein’ 82 years old and a tad slowed down.
Thanks, Doc

About The coin.

Always wanted to do a souvenir coin for Old West Daily Reader. Even before the leap onto the internet. However, the money for that extravagance took twenty plus years to appear. The fantasy for this coin is a multi-branched thought train over the afore mentioned twenty odd years.

It was a given that it was to be a physical souvenir of Old West Daily Reader. Particularly for the small cadre of folks whose subscriptions helped make it possible. Perhaps a few coin collectors and some of those interested in Western History will also take note. It’s definitely not a challenge coin.

It’s partly an advertising tool. There was never enough money to advertise the site to a large enough group to generate a sufficient number of subscribers to support the site. Likely to outlive the working site, these tokens leave something in hand far more durable and interesting than a business card. While they may not circulate, it could be that owners of the coins will show them to friends and associates. Particularly those whose interests lie in things western. New subscribers are always welcome. It would be nice if one of these coins finds a potential new home for the website.*
Does something substantial, such as these coins, imply that the website and its information might also be substantial and worth a look? Maybe? “¿quién sabe?”

My image is on the coin to commemorate the, now somewhat blurry, thousands of hours I have spent corralling all these words. I was inspired because I saw that Noah Webster put his picture on his dictionary. It was easy to get me on the coin. I designed it and wrote the check. I felt pretty good about the whole thing until several of my old pards asked, “Is this picture of you, the one from the post office?”

It most certainly is not that one! On this notable occasion, I was greeting Amtrak #5 at the station in Glenwood Springs, CO. We were planning to take a hostage. Well.. this was back in the day when you wouldn’t immediately be arrested, or shot, for such activity. That’s an issue for maybe, never…
I also would like to point out that this coin, with my likeness on it, true to form, has absolutely no monetary value. (I do feel some vague relief about that.) The vault at Old West Daily Reader ranch headquarters contains a bag of the coins under discussion, and nothing else. OK, one live spider, two dead flies…

I get into some great discussions!
It’s a fun thing to be able to give away.
GOOD LUCK to all of us!

Doc B
Head Word Wrangler and Trail Boss
Home page – bottom of page
see also:
OWDR Site Guide – About the Author
OWDR Site Guide – Preface to the Reader
OWDR Site Guide – FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions
References – DictionaryTrail Coins

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