
Use Cmd/Ctrl+F to search References
Working links are Red, other references, use Navigation Panel choices.
Names in bold will be found in Players or Dictionary
Bolded Titles in References
Books (two lists).


There is a great deal of material on Old West Daily Reader and it grows all the time. Keeping references and noting resources gets a tad tricky. If I so much as checked a date somewhere I have tried to list the generic source here. It got to the point where the number of specific references for a Weeks entry would overwhelm the article and cluttered things up too much for the purposes intended here. My particular apologies to magazine writers. However, those publications usually run excellent indexes which allow you find more about items (and thereby the writers) which interest you. Truth is, OWDR is usually far to brief to constitute a major reference source of itself in any case. Having said that, I think you will find I have certainly given you plenty of starting points.

Books used as Reference – many from my own collection; most seem to be available somewhere out there…

Books – Novels & History (non-ref) – Anything noted in the weeks but not in the above Reference list. Usually because it’s mentioned in an article about the author.

Contributors – Anyone who has helped me generate information or provided photographs for Old West Daily Reader. Those numbers {???} following articles identify them.

Dictionary – Growin’ well, gettin’ down right useful… Should you come up with something that should be in there, please contact me. I’m always interest in new material. Contact Doc

Newspapers – some are still around, some aren’t.

Magazines – some are still around, some aren’t.

Thoughts on the Historical use of the “N” Word – A touchy but important issue.
Please keep an open mind and read this article.

Websites – usually set up as links to the listed site (and see our own Links to Friends page)

Days – Entry Totals – How many articles are there for each day in the WEEKS? (rarely up to date)
Currently not available – needs a massive update – maybe this year (2022). – Doc

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