Site Guide

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Working links are Red, other references, use Navigation Panel choices.
Names in bold will be found in Players; bolded Titles in References.

Site Guide

Howdy and Welcome to Old West Daily Reader!

What’s in the Site Guide?

Quick Start Guide: Fast and Easy! How to get around on Old West Daily Reader.

FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions: This section should address most early issues about this website.
How to use the Reader (below) for more detailed info.

Preface: More about the OWDR and how it came to be. (windy)

Terms of Services: All the legal foo fraw, You probably ought to read it, since you agree to it when you sign up…

Privacy Policy: Everybody’s…

Parental Primer:

How to use The Reader:
Just what it says, Simple and easy with a quirk or two, it’s a short read.
The Weeks
The Players
Other Site Sections

Players Notation Index: a list of those letters in parentheses: (V), (MS), (A), (Victim), (Movie Star), Author), etc., behind a player’s name in the alphabetical listings.

Conduct: Don’t aim to tell you much about how to behave here, just do it.

Copyright Issues: OWDR Copyright Policy; Use of OWDR material; Infringements; Changes to credits.

Site Index:This here’s the people road map for this outfit. (words)

Improve OWDR: If you want to help improve Old West Daily Reader; suggestions, corrections additions, etc. Take a read through this section.

Thoughts on the Historical use of the “N” Word
Please keep an open mind and read this article. A touchy but important issue.

About the Author/Editor: Some lies about me probably… (I wrote ‘em, I should know.)
Editor as well now, because I’m inviting OWDR subscribers to suggest what to add to the Reader. Become an OWDR Contributor, email me! Contact Doc

Institutional Subscription Offers

Museums, Historical Societies & Schools: single Gratis subscriptions to Old West Daily Reader are available. Multiple Subscription Packages for “Thank You” and volunteer incentive packages are offed at significantly reduced rates. see: Subscription Package Offers
Questions? – Please use our Contact Form.

There you have it, for most folks this should do it.
The site is actually fairly straight forward and easy to use
once you get the hang of the Navigation Panel, Flyouts and reference links.
If you do need some help, email me. Contact Doc
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