About the Author

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About the Author/Editor

Who Is This Wordy Waddie Anyhow?
I do not use AI! My mistakes are 100% pure home grown!!

R.W. "Doc" Boyle - About the AuthorI am R.W. “Doc” Boyle, these days, self appointed Head Word Wrangler and Trail Boss of Old West Daily Reader. Of course, I’ve done a few other different things in my time, learned a little, probably forgot a lot more. Born in Wichita, KS, or maybe MN? Indian dancer (1950’s), Eagle Scout, somewhere along in there. I did near five years volunteer service in the USAF, jumped out of helicopters to retrieve spy satellites in the western Pacific ocean. Taught SCUBA and did underwater photography for the years in Hawaii while I was in the military there. Built hydrogen bombs for a spell at Rocky Flats in Colorado and owned an American Handcraft shop in western Colorado for more than twenty years. I made gold and silver jewelry for some years during that time.
I performed as my cowboy character, Jack Penny, “Copper“, in The Great American Wild West Show and the National Western Stock Show (1990’s). “The Father of the Feast” of the Ghost Walk, an annual fundraiser which was presented for eighteen years by the Glenwood Springs (CO) Historical Society. Escorting visitors to Linwood Pioneer Cemetery on October evenings prior to Halloween for a visit with the historical figures resident therein. You would meet Doc, Kid Curry, Jasper Ward, Black Bill Smith and others to hear their tales of frontier Colorado. (See photos on my Doc website, noted below and also find the Glenwood Springs Historical Society.) The show ceased over lack of volunteer support and modern economics (2017). Revived in 2019, we will see if it lasts?
Also: a past member of The Shootists; a SASS life member and a founding member of the also defunct, Friends of Billy Dixon, an educational, shooting organization which was devoted to teaching marksmen to shoot accurately at ultra long distances with traditional and modern rifles and learn some history while they did it.
I dropped my life membership in the NRA over their inappropriate economic/political behavior and the organization’s mindless support for Donald Trump. I believe that they have lost their way and forgotten their true mission.
Pushed a cow or two through the juniper and oak brush of these marvelous mountains for a couple of different outfits. Did some ridin’ and some thinkin’…
I have been interested in the history of the West since I was a pup and always danced around the edge of performing and writing about it while doing other things. Fought more than a few gunfights over the years and performed as a Historical Portrayalist, having presented my one man show, “Doc Holliday Live: How It Was!”* in well over a thousand performances for more than twenty years in Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Old Mexico, Arizona and other points west. I did nine years on summertime weekends roaming the plaza at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park (Glenwood Springs, CO) with my partner, Mike Miller as the outlaw Kid Curry, taking photos with the visitors and regaling them with stories from the lives of the deadly dentist and one of the real bad men of the Old West.  It was a hoot! Might still find some ancient photos on the internet.
I’m an ex-meat hunter of Colorado elk and mule deer. I got a little too old to handle an elk by myself (my preferred way to hunt) so I’m now on a diet of store bought buffalo (bison) and beef. (Oh, yes! Thank you, brother deer and elk for all the good hunting years. May your herds continue to prosper!) Further interests include: the afore mentioned gardening, reading, writing.
My self published (first and maybe only?) children’s book is called The Great Galomp, check it out: available in hardcover on the website and at Amazon, Lulu and Kobo, etc. (also an eBook version).
Other writings include cowboy and railroad poetry and I am always working on several science fiction novels and short stories. I do have a cowboy poem, “Wild Horses” up on the wonderful Bar D poetry site, also here on Old West Daily Reader and on my own writing website, www.coyoteprintworks.com.
Now, I’m a mostly retired performing historian and western entertainer, holdin’ camp in Silver City, NM, still pushin’ and spoutin’ words, while plantin’ trees and flowers tryin to get old about as graceful as I can.

Is He Qualified to Ramrod This Outfit?

What you see here is what there is. Not being a trained historical researcher, archaeologist, or any flavor of professional – aside from being a self trained actor, researcher and a writer – I claim no academic credentials in the field of historical research. Some credit is probably due for the time I’ve been involved with historical preservation and the presentation of historical information to the public, but Old West Daily Reader subscribers will likely end up the judges of that issue.
I am and have been more of an appreciator, a student, a wielder, even a bit of a shaper of historical perspective for others through performance and other interests pertaining to Western History.  It was some combination of practical necessity for my Doc performance and constantly musing on different aspects of Western History that became the genesis of Old West Daily Reader. I am an associate member of Western Writers of America.
I’m now 83 years old  (June of ’24) and I was having a fantasy on a lazy retirement until I assigned myself this Old West Daily Reader project in 2010: my first venture into publishing anything to do with Western History. It has been fun and very interesting. So far I’m still exploring new territory so it’s hard to say where it goes from here… I don’t advertise anywhere, haven’t been able to afford to for years.
As noted above, I now reside in Silver City, NM (Spring of 2018). Bought property, in partnership with an old friend, a beautiful four and a half acres which we call Quail ‘n Kale. I brought my Rust Garden with me from Colorado and we both seem to be prospering in the high desert air. As I said, I garden, read and work on my various writing projects.
Feels good to me, but there’s this gettin’ old thing…

So, in 2024-25 0r so, I’m hoping to become the founder/editor emeritus of this outfit,
and help some younger folks learn to run it. Here is the hoped for result…

Time for a change!

Does your museum, magazine, organization, club or you as an individual
want to own Old West Daily Reader?

Truth is, this site needs new, younger blood.
I’m now 83 years old and runnin’ out of time.

I’d rather this effort not die with me.
If you want to talk about giving OWDR a new home,
drop me an email and let’s talk about it.
Contact Old West Daily Reader.

Doc (more or less updated 07/08/2024)

See also:
Wk. 25, 06/22/1941 – Birthday noted in the WEEKS
www.dochollidaylive.biz – My Doc Holliday business and history site.
Links to FriendsGlenwood Springs Historical Society
www.greatgalomp.com – my kids book site
Links to Friends – – Bar D Poetry site
The Originals Index – Resources and Hazards – Animals – Mammals –  Wild Horses
www.coyoteprintworks.com – for other works by the author

If you have additional or new information, questions or comments, use:
Contact Old West Daily Reader. – Doc

My dance costume, c.1950's - About the Author

My dance costume, c.1950’s
Colors: yellow and purple

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