Subscription Package Offers

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Subscription Package Offers

Subscription package offers are available to museums, historical societies, schools, etc.

These Old West Daily Reader Subscription Package Offers give a history based or an educational organization an interesting and useful way to thank volunteers, board members, major donors and others for their service/participation to/for the organization. Requiring a only a modest one-time expenditure, these subscriptions can also serve as an additional incentive to to increase volunteer participation in various activities.
It also has the net effect of turning a very powerful Western History learning/resource tool loose within your organization without any fanfare.

It works like this:
The organization buys and owns a block of Old West Daily Reader subscriptions.
Minimum of Ten (10), additional blocks of five (5), up to 30, may be added at any time.
Each subscription is purchased at the normal annual price – ONE time, for a recurring annual subscription.
EX. – Currently, a Ten (10) subscription package would be $200 U.S., one time! (The normal one year price per subscription.)
In this example:
In ten years use of the package, this is the equivalent of an $1,800 donation, by Old West Daily Reader, to your organization.
This is a useful and versatile resource that can be easily purchased by a single donor or a small group.

The organization can then assign the subscriptions temporarily to various members as it sees fit. These assignments can be be as short as a few weeks or months to someone working on a research project/a museum display/a book, etc; to a year or more for a board member, regular volunteer or a docent. The value to a specific organization will become apparent through use of the resource.

If the organization keeps simple records, the subscriptions can be managed (re-assigned, etc.) in-house. The basic files to do this, come with the subscriptions as Word files. Old West Daily Reader can always help recover/re-calibrate a subscription.**

The Details

Your organization will need to provide: (for the original set-up of the accounts by OWDR)

The Users Name group for the subscriptions:
EX: ATHSVolunteers01, 02 , 03, etc.  (Any Town Historical Society Volunteers??)
User names cannot be changed, this is what binds the subscriptions to the organization.

First and last names of the first group of users and their Email addresses.
This is how the subscriptions are assigned to individuals. (OWDR does this the first time.*)
The Passwords for these first accounts will be assigned by OWDR.
Passwords can be changed later by the user or the organization if desired.
Should a user change a password and not supply it when the account changes, OWDR can help recover the account (simple procedure).**

Alternate method:
The organization can acquire a separate email (system requirement) for each subscription. Then, they will never have to be changed.
The organization could also supply passwords and require that they not be changed by the assigned user.
Then, the organization need only change the individual user’s s name and the password, to reassign the subscription.
Should a user change a password and not supply it when the account changes, OWDR can help recover the account (simple procedure).**
The original set-up of each account must still be done by OWDR.

for the ongoing management of the accounts:
The organization must keep its own records and manage the subscriptions, OWDR does not do this for you.
As noted below,
forms are provided as a management aid.***


Old West Daily Reader will provide: (as part of the original delivery)

for the original set-up of the accounts:
*As noted above: The first group of users entered to the system and the subscriptions delivered by email to the recipients.
This includes emailing the OWDR Guide form (tailored to your organization) with each subscription (sample below).

A list of the subscriptions, which includes the following information:
Subscription User Name
Name of user
Email address
Initial password
Date of assignment
Organization status (volunteer, director, etc.)


A short guide to managing a set of subscriptions.
Master copy of the Subscription Management form.
Master copy of the Guide form.
Master Copy of the Use Survey form.
Master copy of the discontinued/regrets form

for the ongoing management of the accounts:
**Aid in the recovery of an account.
Limited to changing the users name and password.
Limit of  1 per year per purchased account. Then, $3 each.
-Keep track of your Passwords!

NOTE: These subscriptions are intended for the use of individuals and their families, they are not “Group Subscriptions”.
Excessive multiple entries will be detected by the system and those accounts may be cancelled.
Your organization is responsible to protect its account records and Passwords.

Should you have questions on these subscription offers please feel free to contact me. – Doc
Send an email to Contact
Please Note: Institutional applications will be verified.
Limit: 30 subscriptions

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