Weapons Photos Location Index

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Weapons Photos Location Index

A collection of Civil War handguns - Weapons Photos Location Index

A collection of Civil War handguns
Photo: U.S. PD? internet

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The numbers indicate the photo row, numbering down from the top of the page.

350 Items – Updated as per date for the page – Doc (01/02/2023)

Ammunition, Then & Now  (01/01/2023)
Ammunition Factory c. 1890’s photo
Black Powder (4)
Dog Lock
Percussion lock
Cartridges  (11)
Brass and Other Metal Cartridge Cases  (14)
Pin Fire  (14)
Rim Fire  (15)
Revolvers – Multiple Shots  (1)
The Rollin White Patent of 04/03/1855
Teat Fire  (2)
Cup Fire  (7)
Cartridges Along the Way…  (23)
Common Cartridges of the Old West  (8)
Maynard Tape Ignition System 
Center Fire 
Smokless Powder 
Shotgun Ammunition
Pinfire Shotgun Rounds  (31)
Speaking of Punt Guns  (2)
Modern Shotgun Rounds  (8)
Cartridge Manufacturers of the Times 
Powder and shot magazine photo
[76 items]  {001}

Boot Pistols  (01/02/2023)
Hopkins and Allen underhammer Percussion Boot Pistol
Ashton underhammer Boot Pistol
Richard Hollis .30 cal. London percussion Boot Pistol
Ethan Allen 1845 Percussion Boot Pistol
36 cal. Percussion Boot Pistol – New Orleans Gambler
Double Barrel .41 cal. Percussion Boot Pistol
Percussion Boot Pistol – unidentified
d. egg London .45 cal. Percussion muff/Boot Pistol
Percussion Boot Pistol – unidentified
Manhattan Shotgun Hammer Boot Pistol
Manhattan Bar hammer Boot Pistol
Manhattan Hero Boot Pistol
[12 items]  {001}

Dirk’s Derringers P.1  (01/01/2023)
Allen 32 Center Hammer Single Shot, Produced early 1860: limited quantity, .32 rimfire. (4L) & (7L)
Andrew Wurfflein Pocket Pistol, Produced c. 1850’s to 1860’s,.41 cal. (1R)
Bacon Mfg. Single Shot Pistol, Produced c. early to mid 1860’s: 2,400, .32 rimfire. (3R)
ConnecticutArms and Manf. Co. Single shot Derringer, Produced 1866 to late 1880’s: 8,000, a.k.a. Bulldog. (6R)
E.L. & J. Dickenson Single shot Derringer, Produced 1863-68: -1,600, .32 rimfire. (5R)
Frank Wesson Medium Frame Single Shot Pistol, Produced c. 1859 – early 1870’s:2,000, .32 short. (4L)
Frank Wesson Small Frame Single Shot Pistol, Produced c. 1859 – eary 80’s: 15,000, .22 rimfire short. (3L)
Frank Wesson Med. Superposed Pistol, Produced 1868-80: 3,000, .32 rimfire. (7R)
G.D.H. Gillespie Pocket Pistol, Produced c. 1850’s to 1860’s. (1L)
H.C. Lombard & Co. Single Shot Derringer, Produced c. 1860’s: -1,000, .22 rimfire. (5L)
Henry Derringer Pocket Pistol, Produced c. 1850-70. (2L)
Manhattan/American Standard Hero Single Shot Pistol, Produced c. 1868-73: 30,000, .34 cal. a.k.a. Poor Man’s Deringer (9R)
Merrimack Arms Co. Southerner Derringer, Produced 1866-73: 16,500, .41 rimfire. (8R)
Merwin & Bray Single Shot Derringer, Produced c. 1859-66: 4,100, .32 rimfire. (2R)
Remington-Elliot Single Shot Derringer, Produced c. 1866-88: 10,000, .41 rimfire. (8L)
Rollin White Arms Co. Single Shot Pocket Pistol, Produced 1861-64: 3,000, .32 rimfire. (4R)
T.J. Stafford Single Shot Derringer, Produced c. 1860’s: 2,100, .22 rimfire. (9L)
[17 items, 1 duplicate]  {001}

Dirk’s Derringers P.2  (01/01/2023)
American Arms Co. Double Barrel Derringer, Produced c. 1866-78: -5,000, .22/.32 rimfire. (3L)
American Arms Co. Double Barrel Derringer, Produced c. 1866-78: -5,000, .41 rimfire. (3R)
Boss Single Shot Blank Derringer, Produced c. 1870: unknown, .22 rimfire blank. (6R)
C.H. Ballard Single Shot Derringer, Produced c. 1870: a few thousand, .41 rimfire. (7)
Colt Third Model Derringer, Produced c. 1870-1912, .41 rimfire; a.k.a. Thuer. (1R)
Cowles & Son Single Shot Derringer, Produced c. 1865-76: 3,600, .30 rimfire. (1L)
Forehand & Wadsworth Single Shot Derringer, Produced 1871-90: 2,000, .22 rimfire. (5R)
Frank Wesson Med. Superposed Pistol, Produced c. 1868-80: 3,000, .32 rimfire (4R)
Jacob Rupertus Single Shot Derringer, Produced c. 1870’s – 80’s:1,000, .22 rimfire (5L)
J.B Driscole Single Shot Derringer, Produced c. 1870’s: +/- 200, .22 rimfire. (2L)
L.B. Taylor Single Shot Derringer, Produced c. 1868-70: 1,800, .32 rimfire. (2R)
Manhattan/American Standard Hero Single Shot Pistol, Produced c. 1868-73: 30,000,.34 round; a.k.a. Poor Man’s Deringer (4L)
Remington-Rider Magazine Pistol, Produced c. 1871-88: 15,000, .32 rimfire extra short. (6L)
[13 items]  {001}

Dirk’s Revolvers P.1  (01/01/2023)
Allen & Wheelock Large Frame Pocket Revolver, Produced 1857 to early 60’s: 1,500, .34 cal. percussion. (1L)
Allen & Wheelock Sidehammer Pocket and Belt Revolver, Prod. 1858-61: a few thousand. (1R)
Bacon Mfg. Co. Pocket Revolver, Prod. c. early 1860’s: limited, .32 rimfire. (5R)
Bliss & Goodyear Pocket Model Revolver, Produced c. 1860: 3,000, .28 cal round. (2L)
Brooklyn Arms Co. Slocum Revolver, Produced c.1863-64: 10,000, .32 rimfire. (3R)
Colt Model 1849 Pocket Revolver, Produced 1850-73: 340,000, .31 cal.. (2R)
Connecticut Arms Co. Pocket Revolver, Prod. c. mid-1860’s:2,700, .28 cal. cup prime. (4L)
E.A. Prescott S&W style Pocket & Belt Revolver, Produced c. 1861-63: a few hundred, .32 rimfire. (8L)
E.A. Prescott Pocket Model Revolver, Produced c. 1862-67: several hundred, .32 rimfire. (8R)
Moore’s Patent Firearms Front Loading Revolver, Produced c. 1864-70: 30,000, .32 special teat fire. (3L)
Plant’s Mfg. Front-Loading Army Revolver, Production. c. mid-1860’s: 8,00, .42 cal. cup-primed. (4R)
Smith & Wesson Model No. 1 Second Issue Revolver, Prod. 1860-68: 117,000, .22 rimfire short. (6L)
Smith & Wesson Model 1 1/2 First Issue Revolver, Production 1865-68: 26,3000, .32 rimfire (6R)
Smith & Wesson Model No. 2 Old Model Revolver, Produced 1861-74: 77,155, .32 rimfire long. (7L)
Smith & Wesson Model 1 1/2 Second Issue Revolver, Prod. 1868-75: 100,700, .32 rimfire long (7R)
W.W. Marston Pocket Model Revolver, Production c. 1858 to early 1860’s: 13,000, 31 cal; marked The Union Arms. (5L)
[16 items]  {001}

Dirk’s Revolvers P.2  (01/01/2023)
Colt New Line Revolvers, [4] (2R)
C.S. Shattuck Pocket Revolver, Prod. c. 1880 a few thousand ‘s , .32 rimfire. (4R)
Hopkin & Allen XL#2, a.k.a. a suicide revolver .30 rimfire. (3L)
Lucius W. Pond S.A. Pocket or Belt Revolver, Prod. c. 1861 – 70, several thousand .38 rimfire. (1L)
Remington-Smoot Revolver, New Model No. 3 Produced circa 1878 – 88. (1R)
Springfield Arms Pocket Revolver, Prod. c. 1863, approx. 6,000. (2L)
[6 Items]  {001}

Dirk’s Pistols & Pepperboxes  (01/01/2023)
Allen & Thurber D.A. Bar Hammer Pistol, Prod. c. 1830’s – early 60’s: Est. several thousand produced, . 28 to .36  cal. percussion. (1L)
Bacon and Co. Underhammer Pistol, Produced ??: est. 500 .34 cal. percussion , 3″, 4″, 6″ barrel. (3L)
Bacon Arms Co. Pepperbox Revolver, Produced c. late 1860’s: 1,000, .22 rimfire. (8)
Bruce and Davis Double Barrel Pistol, Produced c. 1850’s, .36 cal. percussion. (3R)
Continental Arms Co. Pepperbox, Produced late 1860’s: 800, .22 rimfire; a.k.a. The Ladies Companion. (7L)
Manhattan Pepperbox Pistol, Prod. c. 1856 – to late 1850’s, percussion; 3″ barrel group; hand turned original ramrod, very rare gun. (6)
W.W. Marston Breech Loading Single Shot. Single Action Pistol, Produced c. early to mid 1850’s: 1,000, .31 cal.percussion; marked Washington Arms Co. (4)
W.W. Marston Double Action Pepperbox, Produced c. 1850’s, .31 cal percussion six shot. (5L)
W.W.Marston Double Action Pepperbox, Prodced. c. 1850’s, .31 cal., percussion 6 shot; marked Marston & Knox. (5R)
W.W. Marston Single Shot, Double Action Pistol, Produced c. 1850’s; percussion. (2R)
W.W. Marston Single Shot, Double Action Pistol, Produced c. 1850; percussion marked Washington Arms Co. (1R)
W.W. Marston S.S. Single Action Pistol, Produced c. 1860, .31 cal.percussion; marked Washington Arms Co. (2L)
Sharps 4-shot Pepperbox Pistol, Produced 1859-74: many thousands, .30 rimfire. (7R)
[13 items]  {001}

Edged Weapons  (01/01/2023)
1. Arkansas Toothpick Top
1. Bowie KnifeBottom
2. Arkansas Toothpick [the real thing]
3. Sword Cane
4. Tomahawk
5. Rimpler Throwing Knives
6. Saber [Confederate Replica]
[7 items]  {001}

Firearms oddities  (01/02/2023)
1. Chinese 19th century matchlock hand cannon.
It was always about how many shots…
2. Oldest known revolver (3)
3. a newer version pistol and a rifle in the older style
Ignition had to catch up to engineering…
4. A Hybrid Transition Revolver
5. A 48 shot Revolver!
6. Another multiple shot gun
7. 3 barrel multi-shot revolver
8. unknown multi-shot pistol
9. Ten barrels
10. A flint/percussion rifle
Canes , Knives and Swords – Disguised  Guns
11. & 11. two gun canes
12.a gun sword
13. Gun/knife combo
14. knife gun combo
Brass Knuckles/Knives and Guns
15. Le Centenaire
16, The Apache Revolver
More Hidden guns
17. & 18. Palm pistols
19. Novo Folding Revolver
20. Guitar gun
21. Little All Right pistol
22. & 19. Squeeze guns
23. Watch pistol
Cut & Shoot?
24 & 25. A cutlery set with a bang! Cutlery set guns
26. sleeve gun
27. Key gun
28. pen gun
29. Telephone gun
30. Tire gauge gun
31. Ronson Lighter gun
32. Cruifix gun
Ring Guns – A Gambler’s Last Choice?
33.  Ring Gun
34. Ring Gun
35. Watch Fob Gun
36. Kolibri Mini-auto
37. Fishhook Gun
38. 5mm pinfire revolver
39. Colt SA Revolver
40. Revolver
The Miscellaneous, or… Why did they do this?
40. Mateba MTR-8
41. Treeby Chain Gun
Punt Guns
42. Large Punt gun
43. Scottish Punt Gun
44. Passenger Pidgeon Society poster
45. Punt gun in use
Animal Killers
46. Greener’s Humane cattle killers
47. Greener flyer
48. A slaughtering pistol
49. Root Sidehammer Colt
50. Powder Tester
51. Alarm Gun
Take a shot!
52. Doryu 2-16 is a pistol-shaped camera
53. This revolver has a camera mounted on it.
A little Sci-Fi, anyone?
54. Hero gun from Blade Runner
55. Star Wars’ Han Solo’s BlasTech DL-44 blaster
56. Han Solo’s Blaster in the original “Star Wars
Trapdoor Flintlock? A Hollywood fake
57. Trapdoor flintlock
58. Trapdoor Flintlock parts
59. Indian actor loads a .45-70 blank cartridge
Movie Revolver Fakes
60. An 1873 Colt and the fake add-on parts.
History Riders Please note:
61. NASA Revolver
[61 items]   {001}

Handguns  (01/02/2023)
1. Colt Patterson Revolver1836 -42 (.28 or 36. cal. percussion)
2. Colt 1847 Walker Revolver, Black Powder Percussion, .44 cal.
3. Colt 1849 Pocket Pistol, .31 cal percussion – a nice cased set
4. Deane, Adams & Deane  Revolver M1851
5. LeMatt Revolver, pinfire, (1856-65) also: .35; 36; 42 & .44 cal. percussion (French)
6. LeMatt Revolver, Modern Italian made [Pietta] replica in .44 cal. & 16 ga.
7. Tranter Revolver (English) 1856 – 1880’s
8. Moore’s Single Action Belt Revolver (Teat-Fire)
Cup Fire Revolvers
8. Eagle Arms Co. Large revolver.  LH
9. Eagle Arms Pocket Pistol, c. 1860.  RH
Starr Revolvers (1850’s – 1860’s)
10. Starr Model 1863 Single Action .44 Caliber Percussion Army Revolver (1863-1864 – Top
11. Starr Model 1858 Double Action .36 Caliber Percussion Navy Revolver (1859-1860) – Middle
12. Starr Model 1858 Double Action .44 Caliber Percussion Army Revolver (1862-1863) – Bottom
13. Whitney & Beals Walking Beam Pocket Revolver, .28-cal – percussion
14. Remington-Beals 1st model Pocket Revolver, .31 cal. 
15. Beaumont- Adams Percussion Revolver (1862), .442 cal. 
16. Remington 1858 Army Revolver, .44 cal. percussion
17. Remington New Model Army Revolver, with ivory grips, .44 cal. – Buffalo Bill’s
18.  Colt 1851 Navy Revolver, .36 cal Black Powder, Percussion
19, Spiller & Burr 1st model Revolver, – .36 cal. percussion – Top
20. Spiller & Burr 1st model Revolver, – .36 cal. percussion (first improvements) Bottom
21.Confederate Spiller & Burr Revolver, 2nd model
22. Manhattan Navy Revolver, Series III (1861 – 1864)
23. Hopkins & Allen Revolver M1873 Jesse James
24. Colt 1872 Open Top Revolver, .45 Colt cf
25. Colt 1872 Open Top Revolver,. 45 Colt cf (with shoulder stock)
26. Remington 1866 Derringer, .41 rf
27.  Colt 1877 Lightning Revolver, .38 cal. Colt cf
28. Iver Johnson Revolver, (1896 – 1908) .32 cal. rf Black Powder
29. Smith & Wesson Revolver, .44 Russian cf
30. Typical but unidentified pinfire revolver.
31. Revolver Innards
[31 Items]  {001}

Marcel’s Guns  (01/01/2023)
1. Massachusetts Arms Co pocket revolver, Maynard primed, hand-turned cylinder, .28 cal. percussion
2. Smith & Wesson Revolver, Mod 1 1/2, .32 SW, lngrim LH
3. Whintney & Beals “Walking Beam” Revolver RH
4. Hopkins & Allen Revolver, XL5, .38 cal. rf LH
5. Otis Smith Revolver, .32 cal RH
6. Robbins & Lawrence pepperbox, .31 cal.  percussion
7. Lombard (Bacon) small ss pistol, nicely hand-engraved, .32 cal rf
8. Sidehammer Revolver, barrel length is 2 7/8 “, Only a few made like this.
9. Colt Cloverleaf House Pistol, 4 shot.
10. Daniel Moore Revolver, 7-shot .32 rf  – above
10. Daniel Moore Revolver, Teatfire with 1 original cartridge  – below
11. Smith & Wesson Revolver, 1st 2nd, cal .22 short – above
11. Manhattan Revolver, Factory engraved .22 Long – Infringment on the Rollin White patent – middle
11. Springfield Armory Pocket Revolver, 5-shot .32 rf – Also an infrignment – below
10. Two Spur Trigger Remington Revolvers
11. Allen & Wheelock Sidehammer Revolver, .31 cal. revolver
12. Wesson and Levitt 1849 Revolver, .40 cal.
13. Whitney Navy 1858 Revolver, First Model 2nd issue, .36 cal. percussion
14. Colt Police 1862 Revolver, .36 cal. percussion – above
14. Remington Police 1863 Revolver, .36 cal. – below
15. Colt Police 1862 Revolver, .36 cal. percussion
16. Lefaucheux 1854 Cavalry Model – 11 mm pinfire
17. Whitneyville Armory Revolver, 7 shot .22 cal. short rf
18. Lucius Pond Revolver, .22 cal. short, with removable thimbles – all thimbles present, which is quite rare!
19. Daniel Moore Revolver, 7-shot, .32 cal. rf – above
19. The first revolver with swing-out cylinder – made in the 1860’s, an infringement on the Rollin White patent. – below
20. Colt 1873 SAA Revolver, .32 cal. Long Colt. Made 1903, still black powder frame.
21. Liège Revolver, engraved and gold inlaid, .32 cal. S&W. A copy of a 3rd Model SA Smith & Wesson.
22. Colt New Police Revolver, .32 (not the Police Positive)
23. Colt 1877 Lightning DA Revolver, .38 cal. Long Colt, with attached ejector rod. Made 1907. Accepts smokeless ammo.
24. Colt Peacemaker SAA Revolver, Cavalry Model, .45 cal.  7 1/2″ barrel.
[31 Items]  {001}

Mike’s Revolvers Page 1   (01/01/2023)
1. Aston .54 cal. single shot, percussion “Horse Pistol” Top
1. Remington 1863 New Model Army Revolver, .44 cal. percussion. –  Bottom
2. Colt 1861  3rd. Model Dragoon Revolver, .44 cal percussion. – Top
2.  Colt 1851  Navy Revolver, .36 cal. percussion. – Bottom
3. Colt 1849 Pocket Pistol, .31 cal. percussion. – Top
3. Colt 1860 New Model Army Revolver, .44 cal. percussion. – Middle
3. Colt 1862 Police Model, .36 cal. percussion. – Bottom
4. Colt 1851 Navy Revolver, .36 cal. percussion, factory standard. – LH Top
4. Colt 1851 Navy Revolver, Richards-Mason conversion (twice!). – LH Bottom
4. Colt 1851 Navy Revolver, .36 cal., percussion, unmodified. – RH Top 
4. Colt 1851 Navy Richards-Mason Revolver, conversion to .38 cal. cf. – RH Bottom
5. Lefaucheux 1854 Revolver, 12mm (.44 cal.) pinfire. – Top
5. Smith & Wesson 1861 Number 2 Army Revolver,  .32 cal. rf – Bottom
6. Colt 1860 Army Revolver, Richards Conversion to .44 cal. cf. – Top
6. Colt 2nd Model Army Revolver, Richards Conversion to .44 cal. cf. – Bottom 
[15 Items]  {001}

Mikes’ Revolvers Page 2  (01/01/2023)
1. Colt 2nd Model 1860 Army Revolver, Richards conversion to .44 cal. Colt centerfire – Top 
1. Colt 1872 “Frontier” Revolver, [c. 1896], this one in .44-40 centerfire. – Bottom
2. Colt 1877 Lightning Revolver, .38 cal. – Top
2. Colt 1877 Lightning  Revolver, .38 cal. – Bottom
[4 Items]  {001}

Long Guns  (??)
1. Southern style percussion long rifle (right side) – Top – Seth Kinman’s Rifle
2. Southern style percussion long rifle (right side) – Top – Seth Kinman’s Rifle
3. Hawken Rifle, (.32, .50 and .58 cal.) muzzle loader
Military Arms (1841 – 1893)
4. M1841 Harpers Ferry “Mississippi Rifle
5. Enfield (Pattern 1853) rifle-musket
6. Pattern 1856 Enfield Musket
7. Pattern 1856 Enfield Musket (barrel markings) – LH
8. Pattern 1856 Enfield Musket (brass cartouche) – RH
9. Whitworth Rifle (1857)
10. Starr Carbine, breech loading, percussion
11. 1859 Sharps Berdan Rifle, breech loading, percussion
Frank Wesson Sporting and Target Rifles (1859 – 1888), article below
12. Gallager carbine, breech loading, percussion
13. Gallager carbine, open action
14. Colt Percussion Musket (1861)
15. Fayetteville Musket (1862)
Henry Lever Action Repeating Rifle (1862) – article below
16. 1865 Spencer Repeating Rifle
17.1 864 Spencer Carbine 56-50 BP
18. 1864 Spencer Carbine 56-50 BP – detail
19. Snider Enfield Long Rifle (1866)
20. Springfield Rifle “Trapdoor” (1873), open breech
21. Springfield Rifle “Trapdoor” (1873), with bayonet
22. Krag Jørgenson carbine, 30-40 Krag cf
Children of the Henry
23.  1862 Henry Rifle,  .44 Henry rf
24. Winchester Model 1866, lever action carbine, .44 Henry rf
25. Winchester Model 1873, lever action carbine, .44-40 c
Civilian Rifles
26. Sharps New Model Carbine, (1859) .52 cal. [straight breech]
27. Sharps New Model Carbine, (1859) .52 cal. [straight breech] – detail
28. Pedersoli 1864 Sharps reproduction in 45-120
29. Greener martini action, 45-70 (English) modern reproduction
30. Pedersoli Rolling Block Remington Reproduction in 45-70, modeled after the Remington Model 1 Sporting Rifle, c. 1868.
Sport and Target Rifles
31.  Evans Rifle (1873)
Frank Wesson Sporting and Target Rifles (1859 – 1888)
32. Frank Wesson two trigger Target Rifle (.22 cal.)
33. Frank Wesson Bicycle Rifle (.22 cal.)
34. Frank Wesson Pocket Rifle (.22 cal.) long barrel w/ shoulder stock – Top
35. Frank Wesson Pocket Rifle (.22 cal.) medium barrel w/ shoulder stock – Middle
36. Frank Wesson Pocket Rifle (.22 cal.)
The Scatterguns… or as Wyatt called them “street howitzers”.
37. “Mule Ear” 1o bore, double barrel “coach gun”
38. 1887 Winchester lever action shotgun, 10 ga. (modern reproduction)
39. Winchester Model 1897 pump action shotgun, 12 ga.
[39 Items]  {001}

Percussion Firearms Accessories  (01/01/2023)
1. Powder Flasks, LH & RH
2. Powder Measures
3. Bullet molding, LH & RH
4. Cappers, LH & RH
5. Colt 1849 Pocket Pistol, .31 cal. percussion, cased set [also in Handguns – #3]
[8 Items] {001}

for further information related to Weapons Photos Location Index on Old West Daily Reader
Photo Gallery Index – Weapons Photos Index (This is where the photos are…)
References – DictionaryBlack Powder, Caliber, center fire, rim fire, Smokeless Powder
PLAYERSBrowning, Colt, Savage, Sharps, Spencer, Smith & Wesson, Winchester, etc.

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[350 Items]
{001} C 02/24; E 03/25; F 09/17; P 12/21
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