How to Use the Reader

Use Cmd/Ctrl+F to search How to Use the Reader.
Working links are Red, other references, use Navigation Panel choices.
Names in bold will be found in Players or Dictionary
Bolded Titles in References
Books (two lists).

How to Use the Reader

Old West Daily Reader

If the Quick Start Guide is not working for you,
or you want a bit more explanation on using OWDR…




Explanation of Other Site Pages

Site Guide (14 sections)
The Originals Index (16 sections) (25 sub-sections)
The Pretenders Index (4 sections)
Timelines (A-L) – 45 & (M-Z) 35, for 80 major players, 9 subs (more to come)
Quotes Index (12 sections) (1 sub-section)
Photo Gallery Index (23 sections) (26 sub-sections)
History Riders Radio 2019 (current year, to date)
Just for Fun Pages (29 sections)
References (8 sections) (2 sub-sections)
Blog (very irregular, sorry…)
Links to Friends

Suggestions, Problems, etc.

History Riders, it’s a sound idea to suspend judgement and keep things in perspective as we gather the information to come to an understanding of these different, intersecting, past worlds that draw our interest…
As always in Old West Daily Reader, language and attitudes expressed in these incidents and references often reflect the mind set of those who lived in the times. Sometimes difficult for us to hear and contemplate from within our modern perspective, yet a vital part of our quest to understand those old times and the changes in the world that led from then to now, from them to us. – Doc.



Old West Daily Reader is divided into two major interrelated information sections and a large number of support sections, which can be found on the Navigation Panel (right side of every page).

WEEKS: {fly-out panel} Numerical choices on the fly-out panel – 1 to 52. *
The entries in the WEEKS are Old West Daily Daily Reader’s daily content.
Bold listings, in the entries, are found alphabetically in PLAYERS. These are usually the subjects of the daily content. They may also note someone/something in the Pages.
Days in the Weeks – find what week a given day is in.

         PLAYERS: {fly-out panel} The Alphabetical and numerical index to find the People,
         Places and Events (in bold) listed in the WEEKS [ABC & 1-9].
         The index also appears at the top and bottom of all PLAYERS pages.
         Players Notation Index – Short notations added to PLAYERS listings to further identify
         player identities and/or relationships.
         Timelines – All the Weeks events for selected players, in date order.
                 Timelines A – L
                 Timelines M – Z

Other sections of the site: OWDR Site Guide, Quotes, The Originals, The Pretenders, Photo Gallery, References, Testimonials, Blog, Links to Friends, My Subscription, Contact/Help and FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions are available via the page links on the Navigation Panel. (Right side of every page.) Each Main Section of the Old West Daily Reader Site will be explained in md the entry for today in WEEKS, a simple and good way to start.

Simplest: use the Days in the Weeks, found at the top of the fly-out menu of WEEKS (on the Navigation Panel, right side of every page) to find the week containing any specific day of the year. The noted WEEKS (Red) are links. Select the WEEK containing the day you want and then scroll down to the day of interest.

WEEKS fly-out panel shows the year represented by the 52 WEEKS detail below.


Just read WEEKS, encompassing 366 days. Feb. 29 is in WEEK 9 (so that week has eight days) and Week 52 also has eight days to complete the year. In each WEEK, under each day, the entry(s) designated by the year of occurrence (starting with the oldest date first), are the historical events which occurred on that day. Week O are the listings for orphans (no events listed in Weeks) and referrals to other Players listings.

Searching: You can also use the Site Search Box (page right, at the bottom of the Navigation Panel on any page), and enter today’s date [any date] in the form: 06/02, 11/08, etc. (June  2nd, November 8th); you will be presented information for that date; clicking on “more” at the end of the listing will give you the entire week containing that date. Scroll to the entry(s) for the date of interest. The Site Search box will also render a complete list of any week(s) in which a given player or event appears. Just enter the person, place or event which you seek.

Then, you can use Control & F, PC’s [Command & F, Mac’s] to get a local {that page} Find box and type in part or all of what you want to find in that Week. The item you seek will be highlighted. Use the “Next”, “Previous” choice, to find your term or Highlight All command to find multiple listings of the same item (if any?) on that page and each time you change pages. The Find box will hold your term back and forth between Weeks and Players following events for a player. If the box is red, your term is not on that page.

References within a Weeks Entry:

Any listing in bold in Weeks will be found in Players.

To check for multiple entries for a player in the same Week; use the Control +F, (Find) and select Highlight all.

Occasionally there will be a reference to another related Weeks entry(s); given in the form (see: Wk. 1, 01/01/????), meaning, in this instance, January 1st (no year specified).   Go to that week using the Weeks on the  Navigation Panel, then use the Find box to locate the player you are following.  There will usually be a referral back to the entry you came from, in the new entry.

You might have a reference to a listing in The Players, given as: (see: a Players listing), look up the alphabetical reference and then follow back the Weeks given in the Born, Died or Noted columns behind that Player (remember, only red numbers are links) to find the related entry(s) in the Weeks section. (Again, use Find).

Follow the year day by day and get some perspective as to what happened each day in Western History. Look up your birthday or when the cat died and see what happened on that day in Western History. (Much like a daily planner; but it can’t tell you what day of the week any given date is or was.) Just read it like a book, I still do. Start an argument or settle one.  Since I am The Trail Boss, I sometimes comment on an entry.


Players is simply an alphabetical and numerical list of the People, Places and Events listed, in bold, in WEEKS entries. Use the PLAYERS fly-out panel on the right side of all pages. On pages in PLAYERS, Alphabetical and numerical navigation is also available at the top and bottom of the page. Then, use the F, Find box.

A PLAYERS page has four columns: the Alphabetical Listing itself, Born *, Died * and Noted. The numbers in the Born, Died and Noted columns are the WEEKS(s) in which that player appears. Clicking on a week (RED Links) in the Noted Column*will take you to the week which includes the entry you want (then use Find to locate).

*  Important Note: The black weeks notations in the Born and Died columns are not links; Born and Died Listings must be selected (same week) in the Noted column (Red Links) [this is due to programming and additional informational utility issues].

In PLAYERS, you will find some “orphan” listings. If week O appears in the noted column that listing is either: a listing containing a (see: reference); or, there is no entry in WEEKS for that player. Often these are players I don’t want to forget but don’t have enough information for an entry in WEEKS, or I haven’t got to them yet; I might have an entry in process, only some info, no info or I need a date… whatever. The complete list of “orphans” and references is in week O. Call any week O notation to see everything there from A to Z. (Note: There are a few of these for which I don’t ever intend to do an entry. They will eventually be marked with an NE.)

On the PLAYERS’s fly-out: Player’s Notation Index: [ex: (V), (T), (PVW)]; Short notations occasionally added to player listings to further identify player identities and/or relationships.

At the bottom of the PLAYERS fly-out are the Timelines, each separate page lists all of the WEEKS and page entries for that player, in date order.
see also:
Improve OWDR

Explanation of Other Site Pages

Home: Quote of the Week, a link to buy a Gift Subscription and a link to the Internet Radio! page.

OWDR Site Guide: itself has some stuff but the sub-links have a plethora of useful information: Preface; How to UseConduct; Terms of ServicePrivacy; Improve OWDR; About the Author and the Site Map.

Quotes: presents a variety of quotes from or about things Western; includes the sub-links: Billy the Kid; Black Bart, Other Robbers and Poets; Commentators; Doc Holliday; Gunfighters; Indians; Movies and TV, Rules to Live By and Women. If something is bolded in the Quotes, you will find it in The Players or the References if it is a title.

The Originals: includes; Battlefields & Massacres; Doves & Nighthawks; Expeditions; Gunfighter Statistics; Range Wars & Feuds; Rodeos, Wild West Shows and Theater; Trails and Western Forts.

The Pretenders: lists the Movies; TV Shows and Radio Shows from Players.

Photo Gallery: has twenty sub-sections: Billy the Kid Photos, Cowboy Photos, Doc Holliday Photos, Family Photos, Farm Wagons and ImplementsHangings & Shootings, Indian Photos, Lawmen Photos, Memorials, Monuments and Sculpture, Military Photos, Mining Photos, Outlaws Photos, People and Places Photos, Performer Photos; Pushin’ Up Daisies, Spurs; Transportation Photos, Women & Children Photos, Weapons Photos and Young Guns. The Photo Gallery presents photographs, most of which will be in the public domain or will have been offered to The Old West Daily Reader with appropriate permissions for use. The old time photographers themselves will usually be found listed in Players.

References: includes lists of:  Books – Reference, Magazines, Newspapers and Web Sites where you can find out more about all the people, places and events you have found in the OWDR. A Dictionary of cowboy and western terms is offered and the list of Contributors to the OWDR. There is a Books- Novels & History non-ref listing for books mentioned in OWDR but not used as a reference. Days- Entry Totals is a chart showing the number of entries for each day in the Weeks. (Only occasionally up-to-date.)

Testimonials: Send me a nice one!

Blog: Haven’t done a Blog in years, No time, too busy adding content!

Link to Friends: Just what it says. (If you want to exchange links, email me.)

Contact/Help: Gives you an email contact to me.  Remember, it’s just one old broken down cowpoke ridin’ drag here, so cut me a little slack, I’ll get back quick as I can. Sorry, can’t face the phone thing yet. I might call you if we can’t do it by email (if you send me your number). In a sub-link under Contact/Help you will find, My Subscription: I know it says “MY Subscription” but it’s actually YOUR SUBSCRIPTION Management Area. Change your Email, your password; you can’t change your user name. You can go to PayPal and cancel your auto recurring (annual) subscription (You should receive a confirmation email).  The Site should notify you 30 days before your subscription is to renew. If something seems amiss, email me.

FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions: Just what it says… AND, Why Old West Daily Reader isn’t free.

Quick Start Guide

Suggestions, Problems, etc.

Well, there you have it, pretty straight forward and simple to use.
Hopefully you will also find it fun and if you’re not careful, educational.
If you have a suggestion for something to add to Old West Daily Reader,
the procedure for that will be found on the Improve OWDR page.
If you have trouble, email me via the contact page and I’ll see if I can help.
There ain’t no 24/7 help desk, I’m it.  So, be a little patient, thanks! – Doc

I do an “edit” and generic update sometime around the first of the year. I catch a lot of things and miss a few. If you find something that needs fixed please let me know. (In enough detail that I can find what you reference, please.)

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